#012: adventure/冒險(màoxiǎn)
Ready to cross an unknown sea?/準備好橫渡未知的海域了嗎?
Essentially, I am adventurous. Actually, I used to think that I was not adventurous. Until a couple of years ago, in a discussion with group members in a class of philosophy, the lecturer asked us to discuss what we perceived insufficient in ourselves. When I told my group members that I was not adventurous enough, With a surprised face, they said, “What can be possibly more adventurous than what you have been doing: thousands of miles away from home and working in a foreign country for years alone?” This is the so-called “Those involved in the matter are easily blinded to the truth, and those not involved usually understand the whole situation.” The observation of people who do not know you or know your past can oftentimes serve as the most objective and accurate evaluation.
本質上,我是一個有冒險精神的人。其實以前我老覺得自己好像沒有冒險精神,直到幾年前的一個哲學課上,老師要我們跟同組同學討論自己有什麼不足之處,跟組員討論時,我告訴他們我的冒險精神不足,他們一臉驚訝的看著我說:「 妳一個人隻身到國外打拼這麼多年,有什麼比這場冒險更具冒險精神的冒險?」這就是所謂的「當局者迷,旁觀者清」吧。 完全不知道你過去的人對你的觀察可以說是最客觀也是最準確的評價。
To live dangerously
The joy that I feel from exploring through adventure is like what Friedrich Nietzsche said, “to live dangerously” in daily life. Do something that you usually will not do, to break free from the fixed frame of thinking. In the beginning of his book, Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity, David Whyte, a poet, quoted the poems by Janet Kalvern from Respectable Outlaw:
You have set sail on another ocean
without star or compass
going where the argument leads
shattering the certainties of centuries.
― Janet Kalvern
Respectable Outlaw
對探險的喜歡和從中得到的快樂,如同尼采說的,to live dangerously,在生活中冒險。做一些平常不會做的事情,跳脫固有的思考框架。詩人大衛懷特在《 Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity》一書中的開頭引用了Janet Kalvern 《Respectable Outlaw》的詩句(中文自譯):
― Janet Kalvern
《Respectable Outlaw》
Crossing the unknown sea
The metaphor which he used to depict the pilgrimage was a good choice: ‘crossing the unknown sea’, through which we can discover what job fits us and embark on the pilgrimage toward identity and self-actualisation. He majored in Marine Zoology and had stayed on primate archipelagos, Galápagos. What he does now is quite different from what he did on the Galápagos Island. Be a bit more adventurous when crossing the unknown sea, and it may sparks new ideas and creativity. Like somewhat like an outlaw, someone who is outside the fixed patterns.
大衛懷特用橫渡未知的海域來比喻找工作,或是尋找適合自己的工作,踏上身分認同和自我實現的朝聖之行相當貼切。他大學主修海洋生物學 ,也去過原始的Galápagos 群島生活過。他現在做的事和他在Galápagos 群島上所做的事情相當不同。橫橫渡這片未知的海洋是要有些冒險精神,能夠激盪出激新的想法和創意。活得有點像個outlaw,一個在規章制度之外的人。
Having accurate self-knowledge is not always an easy thing. Even if we have all the necessary information needed to gain deeper self-insight, we may still misinterpret it to our liking. One example of misattribution is ‘misattribution of arousal’, aka ‘suspension bridge effect’, which people misattributed the cause of the arousal. In the experiment by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron's study in 1974, they found that the group of men who walked through the more suspension bridge, which was 70 meters away from the ground, tended to call the female researcher who slipped her phone number to them. Their heart rate increased after passing through the suspension bridge, to which they misattributed that they fell in love with the female researcher. Indeed, the rapid throb of heart happens also when we see someone who we find attractive or someone we like.
了解自己並不是一件容易的事情,而且就算我們擁有所有必要的信息以後,也可能解讀成自己想要理解的意思。關於歸因謬誤或是錯誤歸因的一個例子是「吊橋效應」,因為生理激發所長生的歸因謬誤。1974年兩位心理學家,Donald Dutton和Arthur Aron通過設計吊橋實驗,發現最後打給女研究員的以走過較離地面七十公尺吊橋的男性受測者居多。這些受測者的心跳在過橋後加速,錯誤解讀為自己對女研究員動心了。心跳加速也確實多半出現在看到吸引自己的或是心儀的對象的時候。
怕生的小鹿/the fawn that is shy with stranger
To get butterflies in one’s stomach
This reaction of a heart throbbing out of terror or anxiety can be described in Chinese as if the fawns dashed recklessly. ‘To get butterflies in one’s stomach’ is quite similar to this phrase, or the Dutch equivalence, ‘vlinders in je buik krijgen’. However, in my humble opinion, the movement of butterflies differs in the intensity from the verb ‘to bump into; to knock against’. An internet slang, 「我鹿了」is related to this expression which lay more emphasis on the reaction to ‘pure love’, such as first love of high school. If some people fall easily for others, and they tend to have feelings for whoever they are attracted to, they then「見一個鹿一個. If that’s the case, their deers in their heart remain busy running around. Lekker bezig (Nice and busy)!
這種因為恐懼或是焦慮所產生的心跳反應在中文裡可以用「小鹿亂撞」來形容。有點像是英文裡的'to get butterflies in one’s stomach (胃裡面有蝴蝶飛舞)’,荷蘭文也有相對應的說法:vinlinders in je buik krijgt,中文裡小鹿亂撞的「撞」這個動詞,好像力度又比蝴蝶的翩翩飛舞更強一些。 有個網路流行語是「我鹿了」,「我鹿了」或是「小鹿亂撞」的反應說的更多的是那種純純的愛,有點像是學生時代的初戀、白月光,那種純純的悸動的感覺。 也有人比較容易動情,所以這樣的人容易「見一個鹿一個」。不過要是見到一個不錯的人就心動了,心裡的小鹿不停亂撞,忙得很有收獲呢!