#011: joy/樂趣(lèqù)
The magnificent landscape that I saw while trekking in the nature made me feel as if I was on cloud nine/ 在大自然中健行所見到的美景常讓我開心到模糊
On cloud nine
When was the last that you felt so happy as if were on cloud nine? A couple of years ago, I watched an interesting documentary of the iconic painter, Bob Ross, on Netflix. I remembered watching his teaching on TV with my dad when I was little. We were amazed at how effortless he made everything look, and how encouraging and calm he was while he was teaching in The Joy of Painting. Back then, a title started with ‘the joy of…”was prevalent.
Beyond the highest heavens
“To be on cloud nine” means “very happy", as if one soars up to the sky and walks on clouds, feeling light on one’s feet. In Dutch, the corresponding phrase is “in de zevende hemel zijn"(in the seventh heaven). A similar saying which consists of the number “nine” and “cloud” in Chinese which described a place “beyond the topmost clouds”, which can be used in the context when someone completely forget about something. For example, “to cast something to the winds (把事情忘在九霄雲外)” or “to forget totally about the worries (把煩惱拋到了九霄雲外)“
英文中「to be on cloud nine」的意思是非常開心、非常興奮,像飛上天,走在雲端上一樣,有一種飄飄然的感覺 ,荷蘭文中說 「in de zevende hemel zijn」。在中文也有個類似的說法「九霄雲外」不過意思是一個在九重天以外無限遙遠的地方,可以用來形容把事情忘得一乾二淨,「把事情忘在九霄雲外」或是「把煩惱拋到了九霄雲外」。
The joy of teaching
“Let’s build a happy little cloud. Let’s build some happy little trees.” ― Bob Ross
Bob Ross’s way of teaching remind me of a research presentation about what “a good teacher” was. The conclusion was that a good teacher is “an inspiring teacher". I think that such teachers encourage you to make mistakes, help you when you need help, see who you could be and challenge you to actualise your potential. S/he creates an environment where learners feel that it’s all right to make mistakes. As Bob Ross often put it, “We don't have any mistakes here, just some happy accidents."
Above all, a good teacher is an inspiring teacher because s/he sees more in you more than you knew there was to see was. The most beautiful sentence about love in Dutch literature by Arthur Japin can best and accurately sum up how I feel about this idea, which is a winning love phrase voted from a poll by CPNB Foundation (Dutch: Stichting CPNB; Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek).
“Wat het enige telt, lieverd, dat iemand meer in je ziet dan je wist dat er te zien was.” —Arthur Japin, Een schitterend gebrek
“This is the only thing that counts, dear, that someone sees more in you than you knew there was to see” —Arthur Japin, A beautiful lack
鮑伯魯斯的教學方式讓我想起之前在一個研討會的報告中聽到對「好」老師的定義。一個好的老師是一個能啟發學生的老師。在我看來,這樣的老師鼓勵你犯錯,在你需要協助時幫助你,引領你看到你的潛在的特質並挑戰你進一步發揮潛力。 這樣的老師打造一個對錯誤容忍度高的學習環境,如同鮑伯魯斯常掛在嘴的「我們在這裡沒犯什麼錯誤,只是一些美好的小意外罷了。」最重要的是,一個好的老師之所以是一個啟發學生的老師是因為他們看到了你自己不知道的特質。荷蘭作家一段描述愛的一句話精準地總結出我對於這個看法的感受,這段話是今年由荷蘭書籍宣傳協會(Dutch: Stichting CPNL)針對最美愛之語調查的得主:
Watch the interview of Arthur Japin here (in Dutch): https://www.nporadio1.nl/fragmenten/nos-met-het-oog-op-morgen/6807430b-6c1b-4d71-adbf-b051e677c204/2022-04-05-arthur-japin-en-de-mooiste-liefdeszin-van-nederland