#003 comforting/ 療癒
Tasty and adorable street food, cartoon egg pancake, in Taiwan. Will it work if the Dutch ‘poffertjes’ are baked in this cute form in the Netherlands? /台灣街頭好吃又可愛的雞蛋糕,要是荷蘭的小鬆餅也做得這麼可愛的話,荷蘭人會買單嗎?
Welcome to the season, when you can experience four seasons of Taiwan in one day. It’s been sunny, mostly cloudy and rain occasionally. The lovely autumn is in the Netherlands. Watching the falling leaves can bring a comforting effect. It is particularly a nice season to zone out. Inevitably, things do not go our way at times. It is therefore important to stay chill and zone out from time to time. Relaxing and changing your perspective as well as how you react to the situations help. Some find taking a stroll or hitting the gym stress-relieve the stress, while some may wonder, ‘Why bother?’ Reading, listening to music, chilling at home or just having a couple of donuts will do.
歡迎來到一天之內可以體驗台灣四季的季節。 晴時多雲偶陣雨。荷蘭正值秋高氣爽的時節。秋天也特別適合放空,像是看著落葉紛飛,感覺很療癒。有時候,生活中難免發生不如意的事情,這時候保持淡定,放放空,發發呆。放鬆心情,改變心境也很有用。有人覺得出門散散步,運動也很舒壓,不過也有人覺得「何必那麼麻煩?」看書、聽音樂、窩在家裡耍廢,或是吃幾個甜甜圈也有一樣的效果。
During COVID pandemic, we all suddenly had to face such drastic changes during the pandemic, and felt quite stressed out. Many of us realised how rest plays an important role in life, when we were trapped at home. A lot of my friends, including myself, began owning a lot of indoor plants, suddenly took great interest in cooking and became a home chef, or started baking some bread. This all comes down to how stress relieving it is to take care and watch the indoor plants, to cook, and to kneed doughs. Between the breaks from staring at the screen all the time, these activities bring a ‘therapeutic’ effect on people.
疫情期間,面對劇變,大家心理壓力都蠻大的。不少人也開始意識到了休生養息的重要性。我不少朋友,包括我自己在內,開始家裡種起了室內盆栽,或是廚藝突然激進,或是烤起麵包來了,因為照顧室內盆栽,看著室內盆栽以及動手做菜、揉麵很紓壓。 在全天候盯著螢幕的空檔中,做這些事情很療癒。
The word, ‘liáoyù (療癒)’, first became popular in Japanese culture. Have you met someone who emits calmness and has a comforting quality? When you see them or are simply around them, you feel relaxed as if you are ‘healed’. People with this calming quality can be regarded as ‘liáoyù xì (療癒系)’. That warm and calm feeling can be how you feel upon seeing the adorable face of your pet after after a long day of work. All the stress just disappears.
A super ‘liáoyù’ gift from Michelle& Yaora, Marimo. / Michelle和Yaora送的療癒系禮物,馬日莫。
A while ago, I received a very ‘liáoyù (療癒)’ gift from my old students, Michelle and Yaora. It’s two adorable balls of algae, Marimo. This is one of the best gifts that I’ve received. I’ve heard that the best blessing that you can give someone is the kind of blessing that the other party doesn’t even know they need it. I would say that the best gift is the gift that the receiver does not even know they need it! Thank you both! This gift reminds me of a heart-warming memory, a trip to National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Kenting with my brother, his wife, my niece, and my mom before I started working in the Netherlands. Immerse yourself in the gigantic blue aquarium is quite ‘liáoyù (療癒)’.
My brother and my niece in National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium./大弟和我姪女在在墾丁海生館看著魚游來游去。
Fro some, cuteness also has a healing effect. The culture of cuteness, kawaii, in Japan can be also quite therapeutic. I visited the National Museum of Ethnology (Dutch: Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde) in Leiden once, and have learned the story behind the culture of cuteness. There was an exhibition about the anime culture in Japan. It explained how this culture rose, it was associated with the lost childhood of of the generation who grew up after the Second World War. To a certain extent, this pursuit of cuteness in life maybe one’s ways to compensate the loss of their childhood.
There are some objects or foods, which can bring a comforting effect, which can get us through some tough time as well. The comfort food, which brings people great comfort, is usually high in carbs and fat. It creates such a comforting effect when you are exhausted from the daily mundane matters. Choices of the food which one regards as ‘comforting’ can be quite subjective. Ice cream, cake, or bubble tea etc will work for some; while some might go for the salty options, such as hotpot, pizza, fried chicken, fries and so on. Or it can be as simple as an ordinary home-made dish. The pleasure which the comfort food brings about can allow us to forget about our worries for the time being. As a saying goes in Dutch, ‘De liefde gaat door de maag (love goes through the stomach)’. A similar saying in Chinese as well as in English goes like this : ‘The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.’ The food can indeed make us feel healed or comforted.
A fluffy Japanese Spits named Hamu./ 毛茸茸的日本狐狸犬哈姆。
If things are not going your way, or you are having a bad day, why not go outside and take a walk? If an affection-seeking cat on the street approaches you, pat him/her. If an exciting dog runs out of nowhere toward you, pat him/her as well (starting from his/her chin, not from his/her head).
National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Kenting is certainly worth visiting.有機會到台灣,肯定要去海生館參觀一下。 http://www.nmmba.gov.tw