#015: sober/清醒(qīngxǐng)
在深淵裡清醒地望向藍天/Looking at the blue sky from the abyss
being sober in the world of mortals
The first sentence of Lu Xun’s Diary of a Madman started off with a quote of the madman, ‘Tonight, the moon is very bright.’ The bright moonlight embodies two sides of its symbolic meaning, sensibility and sobriety versus madness and lunacy. Staying sober, sensible, and practical in the world of mortals can be at times intimidating and unsettling. The madman reminded himself to be careful and question everything. Consequently, even the stare of the dog of Chao’s at him seemed malicious.
White moonlight & saudade
The bright moonlight is also used in Red Rose, White Rose, by Eileen Chang to depict a the male protagonist’s relationship between two women. This famous quote goes like this:
Maybe every man has had two such women-at least two. Marry a red rose, and eventually she'll be a mosquito-blood streak smeared on the wall, while the white one is "moonlight in front of my bed." Marry a white rose, and before long she'll be a grain of sticky rice that's gotten stuck to your clothes; the red one, by then, is a scarlet beauty mark just over your heart.
—Red Rose, White Rose, by Eileen Chang
To put his state of mind in a nutshell, this idiom says it all: ‘The grass is always greener on the other side.’ Originating from this famous quote, the white moon light (白月光; báiyuèguāng) is now often used to refer to the people or objects which one cannot attain but yearns for deeply and helplessly. This sentiment resembles a Portuguese word, saudade. It is a melancholic longing, a deep and bittersweet emotion, ‘a vague, dreaming wistfulness for phenomena that may not even exist’.
「也許每一個男子全都有過這樣的兩個女人,至少兩個。 娶了紅玫瑰,久而久之,紅的變成了牆上的一抹蚊子血,白的還是「床前明月光」;娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒飯粘子,紅的卻是心口上的一顆硃砂痣。 』
To act in accordance with conditions
Being in this mortal world full of temptations and information overload, remaining sharp and sober can guide us timely through times of confusion and chaos. We may have a better understanding of what the current conditions are like and how we may feel about them, and then we act in accordance with these conditions, following the flow. Being sensible and sober can also bring us to stay calm when we realize that we are involuntarily and inevitably drawn with the current to a place where we do not wish to be.
Zhang, Ailing; Kingsbury, Karen S (2011). Red rose, white rose. ISBN 978-0-14-197050-9. OCLC 931694306.